The audiovisual (AV) technology in your office space has the power to transform your business. Many companies have turned to AV solution providers to take their processes and connectivity to the next level with the latest functionality and features. As with all technology, however, eventually certain aspects will become outdated or obsolete.
A technology refresh—as part of a planned cycle for evaluating and replacing key components of your AV infrastructure—is an essential consideration, allowing companies to audit existing infrastructure while actively working toward improvements and maintenance. As the name implies, refreshing technology systems maintains an invigorated and healthy environment. Employees and guests will appreciate a better user experience, allowing for better collaboration and information sharing.
Better, Cleaner Functionality
At a basic level, a refresh simply expands the capabilities of an infrastructure by offering a range of newer components and features. A total refresh can
also present an opportunity to introduce better interconnectivity, establish unified management functionality across various AV systems and allow for easier upgrades.
Cost-efficiency Through Effectiveness
New AV systems are much more efficient than
previous generations. Technology is easier to install,
often more compact and available at lower prices.
Power consumption is another area that has improved. Passive standby for LCD TVs, for example, has been
on the decline; depending on the scale of your infrastructure, bringing in the latest,
less power-hungry technology could end up saving money in the long run. Accounting for the cost of new equipment—as well as the opportunity costs and losses incurred due to inefficiency, power consumption and maintenance requirements for old equipment—
can often make the case for a refresh on its own.
The Latest Innovative Solutions
If your AV equipment is several years old, are you truly taking advantage of the latest possibilities for your business needs? LCDs and LEDs are getting lighter, brighter and cheaper. Collaborative technology for white boarding and wireless sharing offers expanded capabilities, including video and audio conferencing without a PC. The next great solution for your company’s collaboration requirements may already exist. Much of the value in a refresh is in revisiting all your present business challenges and determining if replacing old technology can make for a better user experience while reducing the complexity of your environment.
Is your company overdue for a technology refresh? Not knowing could be a problem in and of itself; organizations should have a defined plan in place for assessing and updating infrastructure as needs change and technology evolves to better accommodate them. Assessing AV infrastructure can be overwhelming for non-experts, which is why companies across industries rely on Align’s team of qualified engineers to provide subject matter expertise and build audiovisual solutions tailored to resolve their IT pain points.
Discover how your business woes might be one refresh away from being a thing of the past—with a consultation from one of our experts today.
Audiovisual AV. Image Credit: Align