Workplace Technology

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Network & WiFi


End-to-end, scalable network and Wi-Fi services, from infrastructure advisory and design, operations and management. 

Demands on Wi-Fi networks have grown steadily for the past two decades. Its ubiquity and ability to complement other wireless technologies is the key to connecting everyone and everything, everywhere. Any migration to the cloud or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) will require a robust, high-bandwidth, available network. Your network is the lifeline for every employee task. And now, as public and private companies have required employees to work from home, there has been unforeseen strain on all networking technologies, causing sizable bandwidth and security concerns. 

Align has 25+ years of experience installing reliable, high-performance networks that are appropriate to your current workflow and ready for future upgrades and expansions.

Featured Services Include:

  • Assessment and surveys
  • Design & Deployment
  • Integration of IT, AV and security
  • A/V Streaming, including broadcast video
  • POE Implementation
  • IoT
Align's Workplace Technology team specializes in developing the strategy and implementation of scalable network and Wi-Fi solutions for organizations of any size, as well as the expertise to help manage it all. Fill out the form to accelerate your network transformation today.

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Key Takeaways from WORKTECH Events in London & New York

Align’s New York and London Workplace Technology teams attended the 2024 WORKTECH events in each respective city and gained valuable insights into the evolving landscape of hybrid work and the future

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Financial Firms Return to Office: Is Your Workplace Ready?

Wall Street Shifts Back to the Office According to a recent Forbes article, major Wall Street firms are mandating a full-time return to office for thousands of employees who were previously allowed

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Recent Articles

Key Takeaways from WORKTECH Events in London & New York

Workplace Technology

Key Takeaways from WORKTECH Events in London & New York

Align’s New York and London Workplace Technology teams attended the 2024 WORKTECH events in each

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Get to Know Align's 2024 Summer Interns!

At Align, we believe in empowering our professionals to learn and grow in their careers - and that

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InfiniBand Series - Part 3: Building a Network for High-Performance Computing and AI

Data Center

InfiniBand Series - Part 3: Building a Network for High-Performance Computing and AI

Welcome to the next installment of our blog series where we are demystifying InfiniBand. As we

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Financial Firms Return to Office: Is Your Workplace Ready?

Workplace Technology

Financial Firms Return to Office: Is Your Workplace Ready?

Wall Street Shifts Back to the Office According to a recent Forbes article, major Wall Street firms

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