Workplace Technology

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WiFi as a Service


WiFi as a Service (WiFiaaS)

WiFi is the lifeblood of any digital workplace.  Employees, clients and partners expect reliable and robust capabilities, but this requires greater resources, more sophisticated management and network expertise.  

When IT departments are constantly pressured to do more with less, Align’s WiFiaaS provides a low-cost solution for faster connections, fewer support calls and more coverage.

Align’s WiFiaaS Includes

  • Onsite and remote pro-active monitoring and upgrades
  • Physical landscape
  • Local configuration
  • On-going management

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Key Takeaways from WORKTECH Events in London & New York

Align’s New York and London Workplace Technology teams attended the 2024 WORKTECH events in each respective city and gained valuable insights into the evolving landscape of hybrid work and the future

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Financial Firms Return to Office: Is Your Workplace Ready?

Wall Street Shifts Back to the Office According to a recent Forbes article, major Wall Street firms are mandating a full-time return to office for thousands of employees who were previously allowed

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